Javascript Gradle Plugin Suite

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A collection of Gradle plugins to deal with the Node.js development environment in a very gradlesque way. It offers three primary use cases:

  • Javascript developers that want to wrap Gradle around their Node development to improve their build and deployment pipeline capability because Gradle is really awesome at this and the tools in the Node landscape simply do not match up.

  • Developers that deal with some Node capability in their project for various reasons such as running a tool written in Javascript.

  • Gradle Plugin authors that want to embed Node.js capabilities in their plugins in order to run tools but want to hide the complexity away from their users. A good example is the Asciidoctor Gradle plugin suite which uses this under the hood to run asciidoctor.js.

Like many software projects, frameworks, plugins they start off because the author could not find a solution that really fitted their needs and submitting pull requests to existing projects would not have changed the direction of such projects to the needs of the author. This is one of those kind of projects, and it is offered against a number of alternative solutions that are available as Gradle plugins.

The aim with the group of plugins is making the integration of Node.js and related technologies into the build automation pipeline as smooth as possible. This brought with it a number of subgoals:

  • Simplicity to use defaults - convention over configuration

  • Maximum flexibility if you need it.

  • Removing as many Node.js hurdles from the learning curve as possible.

  • No need to install node or relevant tools - let Gradle take care of it for you.

  • Allow other developers/contributors of your projects to build it without fiddling with a big list of prerequisites.

  • Isolate builds from potential side effects due to global node installations.


The minimum Gradle version required to run this plugin is 7.3.3. This plugin also has been tested against the following versions: 7.6.4, 8.0.2, 8.12.

The minimum JRE version to run against is the higher of 8 and the minimum requirement of the specific Gradle version.

The default version of Node is 22.12.0. Testing has also been performed against 20.18.1, 18.20.5.

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